Trustee selection and options for perpetual charitable living trust

(Loudon, TN, USA)

If I set up a living trust who should I name as the body to see that things go correctly? I have no close relatives. I can place substantial assets into the trust that would be dispersed in a manner that I want, but it might exist for a 20 or more year time frame.

I am thinking of the trust operating in accordance with a set of ethical principles that I would like, making distributions to causes I now like, but the "person" in charge could close out the trust with the remaining funds going in total to one institution if "it" senses the receivers were straying from my intent. I would not also want that "person" to bleed the trust.

Is there a way to move in this direction, or must I just go by a feeling of now current trust in a bank or an advisor of some type.

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Mar 21, 2011
You can give your trustee instructions
by: Mo Johnson

Hi, I may be missing something. But, you can give your trustee very specific instructions in the trust document that specifically guides him in how to spend the assets. Of course, the trick is in the wording as sometimes the result can be more restrictive than you want. Anyway, I'd think a good trust attorney can help you word it in such a way as to meet your objectives.

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